Rakhimberdin K.H. CRIMINAL LAW: PROBLEMS AND DEVELOPMENT PARADIGM (Review of the monograph by M.R. Geta «Criminal law: limits, objects and means of influence in the fight against crime in modern Russia»). – Moscow: Norma, 2016. – 316 p.)


  • Kuat Khazhumukhanovich Rakhimberdin EKSU named after Amanzholov




criminal policy, criminal law means, probation, criminal offense, Geta M.R., criminal law, punishment, correction, Russia


The article discusses and summarizes the contribution to the criminal law science of the monographic study of the Russian author M.R. Geta «Criminal law: limits, objects and means of influence in the fight against crime in modern Russia». - M.: Norma, 2016. - 316 p.

The subject of the research is the sphere of criminal law regulation and influence in the Russian Federation.

The object of the study is the limits of criminal law regulation and influence, the "multi-track" of criminal law. In the "field of vision" of the author of the article are the problems of modern criminal policy in Russia and the states of Central Asia, the problems of improving legislation in the field of combating crime.

The purpose of the article is to update the attention of the legal community to a set of issues devoted to establishing the grounds and limits for the use of criminal legal means, the possibility of their improvement and increase in efficiency, identifying and studying various sources of danger for objects of criminal legal protection. The methodology for preparing the publication is associated with the use of a dialectical, comparative legal, systemic and logical method, as well as content analysis. The results of this study consist in summarizing the conclusions and problems associated with the peer-reviewed monograph by M.R. Geta.

The scope of the research results is law-making activity in Russia and the states of Central Asia, criminal policy and judicial practice. In the article for the first time, in a concise and concentrated form, the issues of the grounds and limits of criminal law are considered, the “multi-track” of criminal legislation is shown, the experience of studying the system of criminal legal means is summarized and updated.

The conclusions of the study consist in recognizing as relevant and worthy of the attention of the legislator, the legal community, the proposals and recommendations of M.R. Geta contained in his monograph.

Author Biography

Kuat Khazhumukhanovich Rakhimberdin, EKSU named after Amanzholov

Doctor of Law, Professor



How to Cite

Rakhimberdin . К. Х. . (2023). Rakhimberdin K.H. CRIMINAL LAW: PROBLEMS AND DEVELOPMENT PARADIGM (Review of the monograph by M.R. Geta «Criminal law: limits, objects and means of influence in the fight against crime in modern Russia»). – Moscow: Norma, 2016. – 316 p.). Scientific and Legal Journal «Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan», 1(72). https://doi.org/10.52026/2788-5291_2023_72_1_276