
  • Yerbol. A. Dyussenov.


ecologization of legislation, state environmental policy, sustainable development


The relevance of the ecologization of legislation is considered, some important and promising issues of the ecologization of legislation are presented. The sequence of raising environmental issues and taking measures in the contours of the state policy is shown.

The analysis of certain provisions of the draft Environmental code submitted to the Mazhilis of the Parliament was carried out. The conclusion about the representation of environmental priorities at the state, industry and local levels is presented.

It is noted that solving environmental issues requires political will. The role of public institutions in protecting a favorable environment is outlined. Ecologization is considered as a method of environmental policy. The point of view on the feasibility of studying the ecologization of legislation in the light of the implementation of the concept of sustainable development is given.

It is proposed to monitor the application of ecologized norms in law enforcement acts. The value content of ecologization legislation in the impact on the development of ecologized requirements in local acts of economic entities and in the translation of environmental imperatives through inclusion in educational programs of educational institutions, ethical codes is noted.

The positions of scientists on the issues of determining the method of ecologization, ecologization of certain branches of legislation and spheres of activity are given. The author gives an approach to understanding the ecologization of legislation and offers an expanded understanding of the ecologization of legislation in the order of scientific consideration, taking into account the various points of view of scientists on the attribution of local acts to legislation. It is proposed to develop the ecologization of legislation on the formation of criteria for the environmental friendliness of supply chains in industrial production.

There is a need for a vision of development horizons, local requests for the formation of a favorable environment, needs for the development of human capital and the support of social values. The practical recommendations of the UNECE and the practice of the European Union on sustainable procurement are presented. The importance of stimulating the private sector to use energy-saving technologies, developing corporate culture, and supporting nature conservation activities by society is emphasized



How to Cite

Dyussenov. . Е. А. (2020). CURRENT ISSUES OF THE ECOLOGIZATION OF LEGISLATION. Scientific and Legal Journal «Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan», 3(61). Retrieved from