environmental crime, environmental criminology, causes of environmental crime, combating crimeAbstract
In this article, the author has investigated the place of criminal law policy in the field of combating environmental crime. Article 31 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan stipulates that "the State aims to protect the environment favorable for human life and health". As you know, the ecological state of the country, the problems of environmental pollution have a huge impact on the development of the state. Taking into account the presence of a favorable environment, as in all countries, as one of the directions of the development of the economy of our country, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan legislatively fixes the issues of environmental protection, favorable for human life and health.
As you know, during the existence of the Soviet Union, the Republic of Kazakhstan for many years was its main industrial center. We can say that at that time, the poor environmental situation in the country was directly related to the inefficiency of the planned economy in the Soviet Union.
Nuclear research and experiments of large states of that time, related to the development of outer space, accelerated the deterioration of the environmental situation and the conflict-free use of natural resources as never before. Low assessment of existing natural resources, the use of devices that do not meet modern requirements, improper execution and incomplete control over the implementation of regulatory legal acts on ensuring environmental safety, environmental protection, and many other conditions have led to further pollution of water, air and soil, and the destruction of some plant and animal species. It is obvious that all these conditions negatively affect the overall ecological system of our country.The article reflects the importance of criminal policy as one of the directions of national policy in the fight against these environmentally unfavorable conditions.