
  • Elvira Bekbolatovna Ablaeva Eurasian Technological University
  • Anel Rakhmetzhanovna Ensebayeva Republican Research Institute for Labor Protection of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Aigul Turekhanovna Ismagulova University of Turan-Astana
  • Mukhtarhan Aidarkhanovich Utanov Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan



negotiations,, reconciliation,, alternative dispute resolution, mediation, arbitration, participatory procedures, conciliator judge


The article describes the history of the emergence, formation and development of peaceful settlement of cases and disputes in civil law and judicial proceedings of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Her achievements in the settlement of cases and disputes through conciliation procedures are noted, promising directions for strengthening peace and harmony in the country are revealed, problematic issues facing civil law and judicial proceedings are indicated. The historical and legal analysis allowed the authors to establish the trend of development and improvement of the national legal system towards simplification of legal proceedings and humanization of legislation. Along with this, it should be established that today the peaceful resolution of cases and disputes, on the one hand, is the main factor in reducing the level of conflict in the country and the judicial burden, and on the other hand, an indicator of increasing the level of legal culture of the Kazakh population and its confidence in the judiciary. The authors have determined the socio-legal significance for civil law and judicial proceedings in Kazakhstan of informal and flexible conflict resolution procedures forming the institution of restorative justice, which arose as an alternative to punitive justice. In the course of the research, concepts and categories developed by civil law and judicial proceedings, normative legal acts regulating the procedure for settling cases and disputes, conceptual and strategic documents defining the development and improvement of the national legal system, statistical data of courts on the implementation of conciliation procedures were used.

Author Biographies

Elvira Bekbolatovna Ablaeva, Eurasian Technological University

Candidates’ degree in jurisprudence, Associate Professor, Research Professor of Eurasian Technological University

Anel Rakhmetzhanovna Ensebayeva, Republican Research Institute for Labor Protection of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Candidates’ degree in jurisprudence, Leading Researcher, Republican Research Institute of Labor Protection of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Aigul Turekhanovna Ismagulova, University of Turan-Astana

Candidates’ degree in jurisprudence, Associate Professor of the Department of National and International Law of the University of Turan-Astana

Mukhtarhan Aidarkhanovich Utanov, Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Counselor of the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Criminal Cases



How to Cite

Ablaeva Э. Б., Ensebayeva А. Р., Ismagulova А. Т., & Utanov М. А. (2023). SETTLEMENT OF CASES AND DISPUTES IN CIVIL LAW AND PROCEEDINGS IN KAZAKHSTAN (ACHIEVEMENTS, PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS) . Scientific and Legal Journal «Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan», 2(73).