
  • Arman Serikovich Akhmetov Pavlodar Pedagogical University



law, culture, legal culture, legal consciousness, state, society, personality, system, individual, corruption, legal nihilism


 In this scientific work, a study of the main aspects of the content of corruption is carried out based on the search and analysis of a combination of domestic and foreign studies on this topic. The purpose of this article is to study the concept of corruption, its signs and features. In the process of writing a scientific work, the whole complex of methods of scientific analysis was used: deduction, induction, analysis, synthesis, abstraction, dialectics, comparison, axiomatics. For a more complete disclosure of the content of the phenomenon of corruption, the position of Kazakhstan in the world community in the field of application of anti-corruption legislation, the results of the work of independent international organizations on the effectiveness of the legal policy of the states of the world, the level of citizens' confidence in the ongoing reforms were studied and presented. In the scientific work, the experience of fighting corruption in the countries of Southeast Asia (Hong Kong, Singapore) was taken. The results of the scientific study are determined by the presence in the work of the proposed measures to strengthen the fight against corruption, as well as some recommendations for improving the regulatory framework. At the end of the study, it was concluded that corruption is one of the real threats to national security and requires special attention and action on the part of the state and citizens to combat it.

Key words: law, culture, legal culture, legal consciousness, state, society, personality, system, individual, corruption, legal nihilism.

Key words: law, culture, legal culture, legal consciousness, state, society, personality, system, individual, corruption, legal nihilism.



How to Cite

Akhmetov А. С. . (2023). SOME ASPECTS OF STUDYING THE CONCEPT OF CORRUPTION. Scientific and Legal Journal «Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan», 4(75).