
  • Gulzhan Karimovna Akylbekova
  • Zaure Kalimzhanovna Zhangabulova



language norm, sectorial and intersectorial terms, term normativity, term formation, terminological field, word-formation models


 The formation of a national terminological fund is one of the main directions of modern Kazakh terminological activity. The need to collect and store sectorial terms has paved a new way to the formation of a terminological fund in the country, providing specialists and scientists with terminology, fixed by precise and regulatory documents.

The article is devoted to the formation, systematization, regulation, improvement, unification of the national terminological fund and the development of sectorial terminology with the definition of the principles of national term formation. The article deals with terms from various fields of science and technology, theoretical and practical aspects of their creation and formation, which have yet to be explored and studied in our language. The issue of creating national terms and scientific names used in all spheres of public life, their compliance with the language norm, and the accuracy of translation is considered. The improvement of the Kazakh language as the language of science, the expansion of its scope are due to the scientific and practical verification of branch and interbranch terms, as well as the principles of compliance with the requirements of term formation.

The study used scientific works on the formation and systematization of sectoral and intersectoral terms, translation of terms, principles of term formation, scientific and popular science, reference literature and encyclopedic works, monolingual and bilingual dictionaries.

In the future, each term in the terminological fund should be provided with additional information: in particular, the meaning of the term is indicated, i.e., a scientific definition is given, equivalents of the term in other languages are given, short forms of the term, its synonyms, information about which document (for example , national or international standard) approved term, etc. The formation of a national terminological fund is of great practical importance and can become an important tool for future scientific research.



How to Cite

Akylbekova Г. К., & Zhangabulova З. К. (2023). SECTORIAL TERMINOLOGY AND PRINCIPLES OF TERM FORMATION. Scientific and Legal Journal «Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan», 1(72).