


The concept of climate, climate protection, environment, ecology, environmental safety, legal regulation, environmental code.


This article discusses the theoretical problems of the concept of climate protection, the ecological state of climate protection.  The main attention is paid to the analysis of the basics of defining the concept of climate protection as an object of relations in the field of legal environmental protection, as well as the study of its legal properties that determine the features of regulatory regulation of this sphere of public relations. Climate is a condition in which a legal analysis of weather (atmospheric) conditions of a long-term period characteristic of a particular region is carried out. In addition, it can be said that at present the word "climate", mainly from the category of natural science, has become part of the active lexicon of man, has become a widespread and widespread word, has acquired various meanings. For the main purposes of this article, it seems necessary to determine the completeness of the concept of "climate" in its primary, natural-scientific application, to study the established generally accepted concept of climate and how the concept of "climate" is used in legal science, what content it receives within the framework of legal regulation. Climate protection is one of the most important areas of environmental protection activities carried out on a global, regional and national scale. Atmospheric air pollution, ongoing and projected climate changes, transboundary transport of harmful substances over long distances and other undesirable phenomena and processes require urgent organizational and legal measures. Climate protection assessment of the impact of atmospheric air pollution on the morbidity of the population is the basis for an increase in morbidity. The State Climatic Cadastre is a legal analysis of systematic data sets based on meteorological information on the totality of atmospheric conditions, including air temperature, clouds, atmospheric phenomena, wind direction and speed, precipitation and other characteristics of the atmosphere and the underlying layer characteristic of certain territories and formed on the basis of a climatic database of meteorological data for a long period.

Author Biographies

Dauren Bekezhanov, Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov. Kazakhstan, Taldykorgan

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) , acting associate professor of the educational program in the field of law

Galymzhan Baurzhanuly Akhmet , Zhetysu University named after I.Zhansugurov

Doctoral student of the Zhetysu University named after I.Zhansugurov

Karlygash Jumabayeva, Turan University

Associate Professor of Turan University,




How to Cite

Bekezhanov, D. ., Akhmet , G. B., & Jumabayeva, K. . (2023). THEORETICAL AND LEGISLATIVE ASPECTS OF THE CONCEPT OF CLIMATE PROTECTION. Scientific and Legal Journal «Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan», 2(73).