
  • Zauresh Turganbayevna Abdukarimova M.Kh.Dulaty Taraz Regional University
  • Nazira Kaiypbekkyzy Abdramanova M.Kh.Dulaty Taraz Regional University
  • Makpal Bakhytzhanovna Kainazarova M.Kh.Dulaty Taraz Regional University



violent crimes, domestic violence, factors of domestic violence, countering domestic violence against women, gender


This article is based on a normative and statistical analysis of domestic violence against women in Kazakhstan.   Special attention is paid to the factors and obstacles faced by the State in solving the problems of preventing domestic violence against women. Today's reality is that various types of violence are used against women due to various factors. At the same time, recent studies show the lack of a unified approach to the causes of domestic violence against women.

It is stated that the criminal legal protection of women from domestic violence is connected with the authorities and is built through the solution of three tasks: tougher penalties for domestic violence against women; strengthening of specialized police units; revision of approaches to organizing work with victims. The study is based on existing developments, awareness of facts and experience in the field of countering domestic violence against women at the national, regional and global levels.

The results show that the Republic of Kazakhstan has been paying special attention to the issues of countering domestic violence in the last decade. There is a strong presence of civil society, NGOs and civil activists involved in this process in the country, using various approaches to the problem of protecting women from domestic violence, including information and dialogue with the public.  However, the analysis of existing methods of protecting the life, health and bodily integrity of women from manifestations of domestic violence in the Republic of Kazakhstan has shown the need to develop more advanced forms, methods and measures to prevent domestic violence against women for their use by law enforcement, government agencies, as well as civil society institutions. It is also necessary to develop specific criteria for distinguishing crimes on a family and household basis from the main part of crimes.



How to Cite

Abdukarimova З. Т., Abdramanova Н. К., & Kainazarova М. Б. . (2023). CRIMINOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN OF KAZAKHSTAN. Scientific and Legal Journal «Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan», 4(75).