principles, electoral law, electoral process, national legislation, deputies, candidates, observersAbstract
The scientific work examines some issues of the implementation of the principles of electoral law and the modernization of Kazakh legislation in this area. The purpose of this work is to analyze the problems of the content and implementation of election legislation, as well as to identify possible ways to improve it based on the study of the fundamental principles of the electoral process. The relevance of the topic is justified by the social and political value of suffrage for society and the country in the light of its recognition as a necessary factor in the development of democracy in the state. The use of general scientific and private scientific research methods (comparative legal, special legal, logical) made it possible to realize the purpose of the work, supporting the reasoning with practical data. The article discusses the content of the principles of electoral law and issues of practical implementation, taking into account their features. The compliance of the principles of electoral law enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan with international standards and obligations of the state is indisputable. The article raises the problem of their interpretation and compliance in the process of elective companies. Conclusions are drawn about the need for further improvement of legislation in the field of organization and conduct of elections in the state. The problems concerning the stage of nomination and registration of candidates, accreditation of observers are analyzed. The problem of accessibility of mass media for candidates is highlighted, more precisely, the absence of restrictions on the volume of paid speeches, which leads to obvious inequality of candidates. Regarding the participation of political parties in the electoral process, the dynamics of the distribution of votes and mandates shows the existence and preservation of multiparty system in the legislative body of the state. It is necessary to improve legislative activities to increase the number of mandates for each political party in order to reduce the monopoly of one political party over the rest. The paper analyzes the conduct of elections for various historical periods, including recent ones.