
  • Elvira Bekbolatovna Ablaeva Eurasian Technological University




specialization of courts, specialization of judges, judicial specialization, specialized courts, judicial authority, judicial system, judicial proceedings, family courts, juvenile courts, children's courts


The experience of creating in Kazakhstan its own model of family courts is described and the results of the implementation of pilot projects of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the introduction of judicial, pre-trial, out-of-court procedures for the settlement of cases and disputes arising from family, marital, parental, housing, household legal relations are analyzed. 

The relevance of the topic is predetermined by the ongoing course of development of the judicial system and judicial proceedings of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the principle of specialization of courts and judges. This topic is actualized in the conditions of increasing the competitiveness of Kazakhstan and becoming its highly developed country. On the way to achieving such an ambitious goal, it is of fundamental importance to improve the social and demographic situation within the country, reduce the level of social tension and conflict among the population, strengthen family values among young people, establish gender equality, as well as create a friendly society for children.

The implementation of these measures, on the one hand, contributes to the improvement of the level of legal culture of the population within the country, and on the other hand, contributes to the improvement of Kazakhstan's indicators outside the country, for example, in popular international rankings on the global competitiveness of the countries of the world, the rule of law index and the level of happiness. And today, in the conditions of building a New Fair Kazakhstan, judicial specialization within the courts of general jurisdiction as a judicial, judicial, judicial-status principle is particularly relevant in ensuring the rule of law and the rule of law based on it in various spheres of legal relations, including marriage, family and housing. 

The study revealed the particularly significant role and important place of specialized family courts in improving the social and demographic characteristics of the population.

The scientific works of scientists and the regulatory legal framework for the organization and functioning of family courts, empirical data on their activities have been studied.

At the end of the work, brief conclusions are given, arguing arguments about the relevance, viability, and justification of the family courts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Author Biography

Elvira Bekbolatovna Ablaeva, Eurasian Technological University

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor



How to Cite

Ablaeva Э. Б. (2023). SPECIALIZED FAMILY COURTS REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN. Scientific and Legal Journal «Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan», 4(75). https://doi.org/10.52026/2788-5291_2023_75_4_89