elections, suffrage, citizen, electoral process, democracyAbstract
This article presents practical issues of citizens implementing universal suffrage in Kazakhstan during electoral processes, specifically their implementation during organisation and conduct of electoral processes. The objective is to analyze problems which arise during elections when citizens exercise universal active suffrage, in order to develop proposals on how best to manage these challenges in future elections. Analyses were employed when considering electoral legislation as implemented at polling stations via analysis method; when studying its practical implementation through observation method with results combined using synthesis. As a result, it was observed that electoral legislation does not align with its universal principles, such as universal and equal suffrage, nor with precinct election commission's working principles of transparency, collegiality and openness, which serve as foundation of their work. Discussion results were shared out, practical legislative proposals developed for improvement to strengthen local executive bodies/precinct election commission's work processes. The reason for this statement is that although theoretically all legal and organizational mechanisms of elections are covered, it is established that the experience of their implementation is different in each region, at each polling station. In this regard, the basis for improving the work of local executive bodies on the formation of voter lists has been determined.
In order to prevent the restriction of the universal active suffrage of citizens in the elections of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, deputies of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the importance of the presence or absence of registration at the place of residence of citizens was considered.