
  • Elvira Bekbolatovna Ablaeva Higher School of Law "Adilet" of the Caspian University



separation of powers, interaction between authorities, unity of power, checks and balances, the president, judicial branch, mechanism of the state


The work is devoted to studying the issue of interaction between the judicial branch of government and the highest official of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The areas of activity in which the judiciary and the President interact are identified. Among the important and fundamental ones, the sphere of human rights and freedoms is highlighted, in which the Court and the President, as elements that make up the mechanism of the state, closely interact with each other in providing guarantees of constitutional rights and freedoms of the individual and providing them with judicial protection.

Particular attention is paid to the constitutional powers of the courts to exercise judicial control regarding the compliance of acts of the President with the Constitution and the laws of the republic, as well as the administration of justice in criminal cases. Similarly, attention is drawn to the constitutional powers of the President to issue an act of pardon for a person convicted by the court, as well as to deprive him of an honorary, military, special or other rank, class rank, diplomatic rank, qualification class, and state awards. The view is focused on the special procedure for implementing the constitutional and legal responsibility of the President and the termination of the constitutional powers of judges. The legislation and judicial practice of the Russian Federation in the issues raised are covered.

The regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan defining the constitutional status and powers of the courts and the President were analyzed.

Upon completion of the work, brief conclusions are given, arguing that courts and judges, firstly, when exercising their constitutional powers, have both external and internal independence, and secondly, they interact with all government bodies and officials, including the President, in strict adherence to the system of checks and balances that do not allow them to violate the unity of state power itself, its usurpation or concentration.

Author Biography

Elvira Bekbolatovna Ablaeva, Higher School of Law "Adilet" of the Caspian University

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor



How to Cite

Ablaeva Э. Б. (2024). INTERACTION OF THE JUDICIARY AND THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN . Scientific and Legal Journal «Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan», 2(77).