The issues of legal regulation of endowment fun Amandykova Saule Koshkenovna
Academic freedom, endowment funds, academic and managerial independence, higher and postgraduate education, the Bologna process, University competencies, non-profit educational organizations, charitable foundation, innovation, financingAbstract
The article discusses the concept and some issues of legal regulation of endowment funds. Currently, the state actively supports innovation activities and higher education institutions, as an integral part of this process, contribute to the transition of the Kazakh economy to a new technological level. The process of transition of higher education institutions to new organizational and legal forms, the creation of Supervisory boards, and endowment funds also contribute to this. In connection with the new legislation in the field of higher education on expanding the academic and managerial independence of universities, granting them the right to create an endowment Fund, the main purpose of which is to accumulate capital through investment and allocate part of the income from the commercialization of scientific research, there was a need to study them. This research is primarily due to changes in the economic and legal sphere of higher education, as well as the need for educational institutions to use and develop co-financing tools. In developed countries, an extremely important aspect of the activities and progressive development of higher education organizations is charity through endowment funds, which are designed to create effective and understandable conditions for financing by individuals and (or) legal entities, as well as to increase the income of educational institutions and ensure their financial stability.
In Kazakhstan, the endowment Fund as a legal institution of endowment capital appeared relatively recently, its introduction can be called to a certain extent a breakthrough in the charity market. The endowment Fund allows you to increase your capital and spend it gradually, i.e. it is an opportunity for higher education organizations to have a long-term source of subsidies and a guarantee of sustainability in achieving their goals. Proper legal regulation of this tool allows for technological and transparent financing of the main activities of higher education organizations. In these circumstances, it is important and necessary to analyze the current legislation regulating the activities of endowment funds in Kazakhstan and develop proposals for its improvement.