
  • Aigerim Mangazdarovna Aituarova


E-government, electronic administration, information technology, digitalization, data protection, personal data


The article is devoted to the topic of legal regulation of e-government in the most developed countries, and their development trends.

Today in the world there is a need for proper management of digitalization of the government, in particular such issues as: provision of an appropriate legal framework, policies and principles of activity; data management and protection; identity management and confidentiality and cybersecurity.

The issue of improvement of the national legislation in the field of digitalization is very significant both for the economic and social development of Kazakhstan in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and for ensuring the protection of human rights and freedoms. One of the goals of the State Program of Digital Kazakhstan is the transition to a digital state. In order to implement the above tasks, there is a need to provide a legislative framework that can ensure the development of the introduction of information technology in all areas of the state and ensuring security for the population at the same time.

Thus, the author analyzed various definitions of the term “electronic government” in the works of various authors, identified the main advantages and goals of using electronic government. The features of the formation of "electronic government" as a tool to improve public administration in the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered.

Based on the analysis of the experience of foreign countries in the implementation of digitalization in the activities of state bodies, the author presents proposals for the introduction of similar mechanisms in the public administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Thus, the author offers the following recommendations: consolidation of national legislation in the field of e-government into a single legal act; the establishment of a body to control and protect information data and to consider complaints of violation of the right to protection of information data; introduction of a civil initiative system for legislative proposals.






How to Cite

Aituarova , A. M. (2020). LEGAL REGULATION OF E-GOVERNMENT IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Scientific and Legal Journal «Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan», 3(61). Retrieved from