
  • Yuliya Sergeevna Kostyanaya


information, protection, information security, cybersecurity, properties, principles, EAEU, UN


 In this article, the author considers information as an object of international legal protection, its characteristic features and  principles.  The concepts and views of scientists on this issue are investigated.

Information today is one of the important objects of protection, both nationally and internationally. Information impact on the life of every person and the states is colossal.

With the development of information technology, the Internet, each of us is included in the global information space, which contains a large amount of various of information.

Therefore, the issue of legal regulation of this sphere, the protection of information rights, as well as ensuring the information security of countries and each individual citizen arises before states and the international community.

Information, as an object of legal protection, has a number of principles and properties, which are its characteristic features and which are enshrined in many legislative acts and international documents.

In this article, the author made an attempt to identify the general features of the information studied in the doctrine of information and international law as an object of international legal protection and to analyze the concept of «information» and its protection in the legislation of the EAEU member countries and at the international level: within the UN, EAEU, CIS, SCO, Council of Europe. It also highlights the history of the development of information security and information protection

Бұл мақалада автор халықаралық-құқықтық қорғау объектісі ретінде ақпараттық және халықаралық құқық доктринасында зерттелетін ақпараттың жалпы сипатын анықтауға және «ақпарат» ұғымына талдау жасауға және оны ЕАЭО - қа қатысушы елдердің заңнамаларында және халықаралық деңгейде: БҰҰ, ЕАЭО, ТМД, ШЫҰ, Еуропа Кеңесі шеңберінде қорғауға әрекет жасалды. Сонымен қатар ақпараттық қауіпсіздікті дамыту және ақпаратты қорғау тарихы баяндалады.



How to Cite

Kostyanaya Ю. С. (2020). INFORMATION AS THE OBJECT OF INTERNATIONAL LEGAL PROTECTION . Scientific and Legal Journal «Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan», 3(61). Retrieved from