
  • Rashad Ejnaddin ogly Mammadov


migrant, migrant crime, psychological characteristics , motivation of criminal acts , crime prevention


 Global phenomena of the contemporary world are characterized by increased scale of the migration processes. The reasons for emergence of these processes are of various nature: political, economic, social-demographic, etc. There are relocations of significant migrant flows from some countries to others. As a result, together with benefits from inflow of labor migrants for economic development, a recipient country may suffer from certain negative implications. They may reflect in exacerbation of social tension, deterioration of crime rate both in specific regions and in the country in general. All of these factors suggest the need to explore the legal nature of migration processes, perform criminological research of this important issue.

This article outlines the issues of criminological characteristics of the personality of migrant offender in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of its psychological characteristics. The effect of psychological factors that impact human behavior is strengthened against the backdrop of migrant’s life in an unknown alien environment. Social, legal, psychological, linguistic, mental and other barriers complicate adjustment processes of migrants to new environment. All of this may enhance emergence of unlawful, criminal behavior, or lead to crimes.

The author focuses on the objective and subjective reasons for motivating the criminal acts of migrant criminals, and determines their psychological conditions.

The article summarizes the need of compiling the psychological characteristics of a migrant criminal for the implementation of effective preventive work among migrant.

In author’s opinion, the well-planned and coordinated work of the state and society, as well as the reasonable criminal legal policy will promote mitigation of social tension in the society related to migrant presence, will improve crime rate in the country, prevent crimes targeted at public relations protected by the law.




How to Cite

Mammadov . Р. Э. о. (2020). CRIMINOLOGICAL FEATURES OF A MIGRANT CRIMINAL’S PERSONALITY AND ITS PSYHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS. Scientific and Legal Journal «Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan», 3(61). Retrieved from