
  • Ayana Beken


artificial intelligence, robot, legal personality, legal liability, electronic person


 Today, the topic of legal personality of artificial intelligence (AI) tends to be relevant and deserves scientific reflection due to the fact that more and more areas of human life are influenced by robots with AI. The main controversial point in the use of artificial intelligence appears to be the question of determining the legal liability for possible negative consequences that may occur as a result of the actions of a machine equipped with AI.

This article gives a characteristic for AI, presents the general overview of the current state of AI from the perspective of the possibility and rationality of giving a legal personality to it. The problematic issues of determining legal liability for harm caused by the actions of such machines are revealed in the article as well. At the same time, the article provides real cases of negative effects to humans caused by AI, as well as situations that are unavoidable in the future due to the intensive development of digital technologies and the widespread introduction of AI. The article proposes to consider the following categories of persons that could be regarded as  responsible for the actions of AI: inventor, programmer, software company, manufacturing plant, the owner, a third person in case of reprogramming it to cause harm.

The concept of AI as well as the issues of its legal regulation are absent in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The analysis conducted on the review of the current situation with the identified problem demonstrates a high degree of need to pay due attention to the development of appropriate terminology in the field of robot law, setting clear rights, obligations and responsibilities for participants taking part in legal relations using AI.



How to Cite

Beken А. Т. (2019). CERTAIN ISSUES OF THE LEGAL PERSONALITY OF ROBOTS WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Scientific and Legal Journal «Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan», 4(58). Retrieved from https://vestnik.zqai.kz/index.php/vestnik/article/view/230