CERTAIN IMPROVEMENT ISSUES THE LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN «ON MERCHANT SHIPPING» (results of the analysis of legislation in the field of merchant shipping)


  • Assel Gabidenovna Kazbayeva
  • Aigul Umirzhanovna Kaliyeva




analysis of the norms of the law, effectiveness of legislation, shortcomings of the law, commercial navigation, transport infrastructure, legal foundations of public administration in the field of commercial navigation, ensuring safety in maritime transport, improvement of legislation in the field of commercial navigation


The implementation of foreign trade and international economic relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan is carried out by means of sea transport. The volume of sea cargo transportation accounts for half of the volume of the country's foreign trade turnover and continues to grow. The dynamics of the development of merchant shipping, the interests of improving its organization, increasing its efficiency necessitate a special study of its legal regulation.

The article is devoted to the analysis of the practice of its implementation and is aimed at identifying problematic issues of improving legislation in the field of merchant shipping and developing scientifically sound recommendations for their resolution. At the same time, special attention is paid to the effectiveness of law enforcement practice.

The analysis of legislation makes it possible to plan in more detail the main directions of legislative work, to identify the spheres of public relations that should be regulated by the norms of legislation, to justify the need to amend the current legislation and adopt new acts, to correlate them with the main directions of the state's legal policy.

In this regard, the authors of the study conducted an article-by-article analysis of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 17, 2002 No. 284 "On Merchant Shipping", investigated its systemic and social significance of application, identified corruption-related legal norms, assessed the effectiveness of their implementation, developed proposals to improve legislation in the field of merchant shipping.

Thus, the relevance of this study is enhanced due to the objective needs of further improving the effectiveness of legislation in the field of merchant shipping, its consistency and consistency.

The results of the study can be used in the formation of state policy in the field of legal regulation of merchant shipping and taken into account in legislative activity.



How to Cite

Kazbayeva А. Г., & Kaliyeva А. У. . (2021). CERTAIN IMPROVEMENT ISSUES THE LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN «ON MERCHANT SHIPPING» (results of the analysis of legislation in the field of merchant shipping). Scientific and Legal Journal «Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan», 4(67). https://doi.org/10.52026/2788-5291_2021_67_4_97