parliamentary hearings, national reports, human and civil rights and freedoms, control, monitoringAbstract
In this article we present prospects for the development of control functions of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan in regard with organizing and holding parliamentary hearings, as well as improving their quality and potential. Based on a review of the opinions of legal scholars, the author concludes that there are quite broad goals for parliamentary hearings. As the author of the article notes, this can be explained by the range of issues submitted to the hearings without any clear limits. The author in the article states that parliamentary hearings can be used to hear national reports. Human rights activities can also be subject to parliamentary hearings. The author considers it appropriate to return to the discussion of the need for a law on the ombudsman. In order to strengthen parliamentary control, public receptions at political parties can be activated, as well as legal monitoring conducted by deputies, parliamentary factions of political parties, staffs for the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the authorized body. In addition, the author draws attention to the fact that the authority and effectiveness of the parliamentary hearings depends on how the feedback channel is used, i.e. how the recommendations are executed and whether their implementation is controlled. In the case of the implementation of the proposals and suggestions, parliamentary hearings will be focused, and the established model of checks and weights system will be complemented by a completely new content, adequate to the transformations carried out in the country under the conditions of the presidential form of government.