
  • Gulim Kuatbekovna Beysbekova


сoncrete definition, subordinate acts, executive government, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Supreme Court


Traditionally pretty much attention was given to the questions about relation of law and subordinate regulatory legal act and general approach to the question. In present time this aspect of jurisprudence and practice requires special increasing attention. The gravity of the issue is becoming more visible in the current time of Kazakh legislation modernization. The concept of juridical policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period from 2010 till 2020 points to the need for observance of the supremacy of the Constitution principles and the compliance of lower-level statutory acts with higher-level acts. Theoretical issues were considered piecewise in the legal science. During the Soviet period, the understanding of the relationship between the law and the subordinate act in legal theory and practice was mainly based on the recognition that no law can be applied without any system of subordinate and regulatory legal acts developing it. Research subject is public relations on the adoption of subordinate acts. Research methods: comparison, legal analysis, methods of scientific knowledge. The results of the work are presented by the systematization of the views of jurists on the understanding of the concrete definition of law in the process of subordinate acts adoption. Application of research results is possible when reading lectures and seminars on legal subjects.

The article describes the mechanism for the implementation of secondary legislation. It is singled out that the regulations form a tool to ensure compliance of the law, as well as the normative regulation of social relations is specified. In addition, the mechanism for the regulations adoption was considered and exhaustive conclusions were drawn.



How to Cite

Beysbekova Г. К. . (2019). ON THE ISSUE OF CONCRETIZING OF EXECUTIVE AUTHORITIES BYLAWS NORMS. Scientific and Legal Journal «Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan», 1(55). Retrieved from https://vestnik.zqai.kz/index.php/vestnik/article/view/298