abour migration, migrants, migration policy, regulation of labour, migration legislationAbstract
This article deals with the legal regulation of the EAEU countries on the example of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. The choice of these countries is primarily due to the fact that the analysis was carried out taking into account the materials of the seventh Summer school of labor law and social security law on "Social and labor relations with the participation of foreign entities", organized by the Department of labor law and labor protection of St. Petersburg state University.
The most interesting documents that reveal the content of the legal regulation of labor migration are the concepts of migration policy, national legislation and international agreements. Thus, the concepts of migration policy, as well as expert assessments reflect similar problems in the field of labour migration. In this regard, remarkable is the work of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly, which, at the present time conducts development of the Migration code.
At the same time, if we talk about the direct legal regulation of labour migration, national legislation is of priority. In Kazakhstan the Law "On migration of population", "On legal status of foreign citizens in the Republic of Kazakhstan", and in Russia, Federal laws "On migration registration of foreign citizens and individuals without citizenship in the Russian Federation", "On legal status of foreign citizens and individuals without citizenship in the Russian Federation". Meanwhile, further development of legal regulation of migration processes in the territory of the EAEU is possible taking into account the provision of section XXVI "Labor migration" of the EAEU Treaty.
Also common for the EAEU countries are the problems in the field of labor migration, in particular, experts point out the following: the growth of illegal labor migration, the lack of clear statistics on labor migrants from the EAEU countries, the difference in national legislation.