legal phrases in legislative texts, the phrase attributive nature, category lexical unit, legal linguistics, lexical and semantic specificity harmonyAbstract
The article considers some of the singularities of the differentiated use of legal, terminological phrases in a formal and legal paperwork, and generally in the rule-making. Also stated characteristically separate lexical sequence of word forming and legal phrases in the official language. The article stresses the urgency to making of standard-setting definition in the law text.
The article considers some of the distinctive singularities of law collocations and legal terminology phrases in the official language in comparison of the original term in another language. In addition, there are some examples of that kind of legal phrases from national law.
In the article conceptual drawn attention to the particular importance of terminological collocations and legal phrases, which are regarded as a category of legal lexical unit. Use correctly every lexical word unit as a specific legal term refers their etymological, linguistic and substantive importance in the legislative process.