
  • Esenkul Safuanuly Safuani


term, legislative language, authenticity


Paying attention to the difference between the legislative language and the language of fiction, the author proves it by providing examples. Specific examples are given, which shows the difficulties arising from the various translations of terms and phrases.

There is a discrepancy with the practice of non-translatedinternational terms, used in its own form.

Foreign terms in the legislation in Russian are written in the script of their language.That is why attention is paid to the rule of perception of speech. The term "conservation of the deposit" is used as a "ken ornin conservation", and in the laws in the field of construction as "totatypgyuyu". The ending of the words"-cia" in the Russian language - corresponds to the "lau" connection in the Kazakh language. There is an error in writing, that is, a doubled combination of Russian "-cia" and Kazakh "lau."

The author tries explain that it is impossible to apply the rules of the impossibility of the reverse translation of the translated text of fiction from one language to another when translating legislation.

An informed opinion is presented that the use of the word "form" - "nysan" in the laws and "object"- "nisan"in the press is a gross error. Having consulted the explanatory dictionary of Kazakh literary language, he expresses the opinion that the word "nisan" is an alternative to the term "object" in the press, rather than the term "form" in the legislation. However, considering that where there is the concept of "object", there is also the concept of "subject", the scientist believes that if in one case the definition of a subject as a pysans is appropriate, harmoniously, he asks whether it would be expedient to substitute another expression for it, that such an opinion would be inappropriate.

Given these views, notes that before switching to the Latin alphabet, it is necessary to systematize terms, stable.




How to Cite

Safuani Е. С. . (2018). QUESTIONS OF THE SYSTEMATIZATION OF TERMS IN LEGISLATION. Scientific and Legal Journal «Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan», 4(53). Retrieved from



From the lawmaking practice in the official language