
  • Bagdat Kabylkadyrovich Nurgazinov
  • Aidana Nurgalievna Ospanova Институт законодательства и правовой информации Республики Казахстан



civil service, civil servant, selection of personnel, competitive commission, examination, qualification requirements, professionalism, competence


Scientific work on the example of the Republic of Kazakhstan substantiates the relevance of personnel policy in the activity of the state as the main conductor of democratic reforms. An analysis of the selection of personnel for the public service in Western European countries revealed the characteristics of the global trend in the selection and placement of personnel in the public service of these countries. The authors studied the legislation and law enforcement practice of such developed foreign countries as: the UK, Germany, France, Spain in the field of selection of personnel for the civil service. It has been found that many developed democracies apply the principle of competitive selection. At the same time, it has been found that such countries have special public bodies for the selection of candidates for the public service.

Moreover, the legal status of these bodies is relatively independent within the State. It has also been established that such measures serve as a strong guarantee of objectivity and impartiality in the work of a special State body for the selection of personnel.

It is noted that since gaining independence, Kazakhstan has taken a course towards the formation of a socially oriented development model. The authors identify the following most significant elements in the public service as: the public service is associated with public administration and is determined by the nature of state power, the public service is carried out in public positions mainly in public bodies.

The authors note that the quality of the state, the degree of its service to society largely depend on the public service, methods, forms of its legal regulation. The civil service is a means of forming a rule of law state, the construction of which is very important for Kazakhstan. It is indicated that it is the public service that ensures the interaction of the rule of law state with civil society and the individual citizen.



How to Cite

Nurgazinov Б. К., & Ospanova А. Н. . (2022). SOME PROPOSALS FOR ENTERING PUBLIC SERVICE IN THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN. Scientific and Legal Journal «Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan», 2(69).