artificial intelligence, legal regulation of artificial intelligence, legal personality of artificial intelligence, responsibility in the field of artificial intelligence, international regulation of artificial intelligenceAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of approaches to the legal regulation of artificial intelligence. There is a lack of scientific development in the Kazakh legal science of the problems of legal nature, other issues of legal regulation of artificial intelligence. some theoretical approaches to the definition of the concept of "artificial intelligence", the definition of the concept of "artificial robot", established in the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Informatization", are analyzed. The author concludes that when developing the definition of this concept, it is necessary to take into account the varieties of artificial intelligence systems, the features of the use of artificial intelligence technologies in each specific area, as well as the different level of technology application and the features of the legal system of the state. The analysis of the activities of international organizations (Council of Europe, UNESCO, OECD), leading states in the development of digital technologies (USA, China), international acts on issues related to the regulation of artificial intelligence. The article notes that at present, the use of artificial intelligence is practically not provided with a proper international basis. There are no multilateral international treaties adopted at the UN level that would establish general provisions for this area today. The practice of regulating artificial intelligence in foreign countries is subjected to a comparative study. To achieve these goals, the author attempts to develop recommendations on the formation of possible approaches to legal regulation in the development and use of artificial intelligence based on the analysis of scientific literature and legislation. The author substantiates the need for consistent and flexible legal regulation aimed at ensuring a balance of interests of all participants in legal relations - individuals, society and the state. Various approaches to solving the issues of imposing legal liability for damage caused by artificial intelligence, determining the legal personality of artificial intelligence systems are analyzed. The author concludes that the creation of a regulatory framework in this area should be carried out gradually, on the basis of clearly developed approaches to regulation, taking into account the specifics of the use of artificial intelligence in various areas and possible risks, as well as the need to develop new technologies in the interests of the individual, society and the state.