the impact of globalization, features of the translation of the law, the legislation’s linguistics, international terms, the development of laws in the state languageAbstract
The article notes comments which under the influence of globalization led to the incorrect use of the language of the law (especially the translation language), including terms and phrases, and suggests effective methods for correcting them.
Based on the results of a deep analysis of the texts of the Civil Code and a number of other laws, specific scientifically based examples are given related to the problem of ensuring uniformity of terms and phrases. The author emphasizes that the introduction of international terms and observing the language norms should be discussed with the participation of relevant specialists and lawyers.
Legislative acts are developed in Russian and subsequently translated into Kazakh, in connection with there are shortcomings regarding the purity of the translation language. The only way to prevent them is to develop legislative acts and accompanying documents for them in the state language. In regard to this, the article provides recommendations for accurate preparatory work for the phased development of legislative acts in the Kazakh language.
The industrial, economic, spiritual, and cultural ties with other countries were strengthened when Kazakhstan gained independence and transitioned to a democratic society. Under his influence, the language fund was also replenished. During the introduction of international terms, two different opinions were formed. The first is the use of terms without their translation, and the second one is the discussion of the translation of words with specialists in the field of language and the introduction of the most successful translation of them. These examples proved that comparing these two opinions, it is possible to come to a final decision.
The author addresses some problematic issues concerning the language of legislation, including the language of translation. At the same time, it is noted that serious work is ahead of the interested parties, which will allow raising the quality of legislative acts in the state language to a high level.