
  • Madi Aitbenbetuly Aiymbetov


The article deals with some topical issues of systematization of legal terms. The author notes the special significance of legal terms and focuses on their qualitative selection in use. The conclusion is made on the subject of lexical and semantic methods of forming these terms. An important condition is a clear clarification of the branch meaning of terms, while this systematization ensures the unification of such terms, as well as the inadmissibility of their ambiguity in the conceptual aspect.

The author emphasizes how important the ways and methods of their creation are in the systematization of terms. The quality of the content of this article is determined by another feature - the disclosure of the public nature of international terms by specific examples and their introduction into the national legal terminology fund, indicating that they have received an international status. Moreover, the article states that for a period of more than a quarter of a century, alternative versions of many legislative terms in the state language have been provided with specific semantic and normative meaning. Also, they are successfully used in legislative texts and on the pages of mass media.

The article notes the importance of establishing a national terminology fund. Any term included in this category, both in its scientific and practical aspects, should contribute to the further formation of national legislation in the state language. This is the main idea in the article about the systematization of legal terminology.



How to Cite

Aiymbetov . М. А. . (2020). THE ISSUES OF SYSTEMATIZATION OF LEGISLATIVE TERMS. Scientific and Legal Journal «Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan», 3(61). Retrieved from