international agreement, grammar, the official languageAbstract
In the formation of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a democratic, secular, legal and social state, international treaties, to which the Republic of Kazakhstan intends to become a party, as well as international treaties, are important.
In accordance with paragraph 2 of article 2 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "on international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan", it is not allowed to conclude international treaties that do not correspond to the national interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan, capable of damaging national security or leading to the loss of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the same time, international documents cover various spheres of public life and have a significant impact on the prosperity, comprehensive development of the country and its place in the political arena.
Under international treaties to which the Republic of Kazakhstan intends to become a party, as well as under draft international treaties, scientific expertise (legal, linguistic, environmental, financial and other) may be conducted. Mandatory scientific linguistic expertise of international treaties to which the Republic of Kazakhstan intends to become a party, as well as draft international treaties is carried out by an authorized organization determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, namely, the linguistics Center Of the Institute of legislation and legal information.
During the scientific linguistic expertise authenticity of texts in Russian and Kazakh languages is ensured. When comparing texts, it is necessary to pay special attention to the text in the state language, because international documents do not allow the presence of language defects.
The aim of the fundamental research work Of the center of linguistics is to improve the quality of the text of international documents in the state language.
It should be noted that this issue has become the leitmotif of our article.