Some issues of normative acts language


  • Esenkul Safuanuly Safuani


The language of the normative act, the sequence of terms, authenticity



The author draws attention to the complexity of social relations regulated by law, scientific and technological progress and the pace of development of social life, emphasizing the regulations are written for an unlimited addressee. With this in mind, the legislation shows that excessive simplicity of language is unacceptable, which has a negative impact on the clarity and clarity of the norms.

A short sentence in the text of the normative act is an advantage for the concept of the text, and does not require mandatory forms in the legislation.  At the same time, the main task, the structure of the proposal should not contradict the need to have a deep and ending character of the regulated purpose, and not to prejudice the accuracy, clarity and completeness of the text of the legislation and legal significance.

The author provides an irreversible principle of the opinion that one word is one concept. The use of polysemous words, synonyms, phrases in the same type, similar to each other laws lead to non-compliance with the law, also for the full disclosure of these errors are specific examples. Two articles of the Law "On the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan" draw attention to the gross error of two different terms "denomination" and "coin".

In the article the author raises the question of spelling of one term in different laws and in the press, and that many translators and journalists are on such controversial issues indifferent and irresponsible.

The article gives that the language has a special meaning and is distinguished by its dictionary structure in the professional sphere. Such a language has a special terminology, which may cause some difficulties in public life and terminology in the jurisdiction due to the lack of concepts that are used in everyday life.






How to Cite

Safuani Е. С. . (2019). Some issues of normative acts language. Scientific and Legal Journal «Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan», 3(57). Retrieved from