
  • Vladimir Ivanovich Mayorov
  • Petr Valerievich Voloshin
  • Svetlana Vladimirovna Polyakova
  • Olga Nikolaevna Dunaeva




road safety, public administration, risk management, transport and social risks


In world practice, an innovative search for the most effective approaches and methods in ensuring road safety is continuously carried out. This process is closely interconnected with the level of socio-economic development of the state, the development of technology and technology, the growth of motorization of the population and the development of social institutions of society. At present, a risk-oriented approach is becoming more widespread in public administration in this area. It is on the basis of this approach that Russia has adopted the «Strategy for road safety in the Russian Federation for 2018-2024», which includes the following risks: 1) uncontrolled growth of motorization; 2) the deepening gap between the rate of motorization and the rate of development of the road network; 3) the existing priority of economic results of economic activity over the principle of ensuring the safety of life and health of citizens participating in road traffic; 4) decrease in the average age of the driver's staff; 5) underestimation of the role of civil society institutions and the media in shaping law-abiding behavior of road users; 6) the application of priority measures that are not timely provided by the regulatory and methodological framework in the area under consideration. The main research results: 1) substantiated the substantive characteristics of the risks specified in the Strategy, based on domestic and foreign experience; 2) it is noted that despite the obvious significance of the listed risks, the Strategy does not indicate the criteria for their selection, therefore, formally, they are more in line with the direction, which can create difficulties in their differentiated study; 3) the proposal to expand the scope of «age» risks to include the social-age group of «elderly» drivers is substantiated, since the life expectancy of Russian citizens is increasing, the boundaries of the retirement age are pushed back, people remain active for a long time, including as road users. It is concluded that the effectiveness of the application of a risk-oriented approach in the field of road safety is associated with the creation of a clear risk management mechanism, based on an internally uniform and agreed scientific and methodological base, which is currently being actively developed in Russia.



How to Cite

Mayorov . В. И. ., Voloshin П. В. ., Polyakova С. В. ., & Dunaeva О. Н. . (2021). ENSURING THE SAFETY OF ROAD USERS IN RUSSIA BASED ON A RISK-BASED APPROACH. Scientific and Legal Journal «Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan», 1(64). https://doi.org/10.52026/2788-5291_2021_64_1_152