THE STATE OF THE FUND OF TERMS AND CERTAIN WAYS TO IMPROVE IT (on the example of the sphere of military affairs)
terms, term, sphere of military affairs, errors, revision, clarification, correction, proposalsAbstract
The vocabulary of the Kazakh language, including legislation, is in constant development. The dynamics of changes in both the language and its basic unit – words since the 90s of the last century indicates a significant improvement in the language vocabulary. Among them, along with successfully entered into circulation, there are also one-time ones. For example, the breadth of use of such terms and concepts as «заңнама», «құқық», «сала», «зияткерлік құқық» is expanding from day to day. And such units as, «азаматтық заңнама қалыптары», «азаматтық заңдар», «заң құжаттары» etc. have long been out of legal and lexical circulation.
Such examples are directly related to the object under study – the fund of terms. As a rule, all language units - terms in the Kazakh language for official use in circulation must be reviewed and approved by the Republican Terminological Commission under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. But even such a high-level legalization procedure cannot guarantee the use of such terms and words, since there are successful and not quite successful units among them. The refore, among the almost 400,000 terms that have been approved by the above commission, there are also erroneous ones. Despite the fact that they are recommended by specialists at the lower level of the hierarchy, studied at the appropriate levels of government agencies and in terms, approved by authorized structures, there are many short comings in the fund of terms.
Study of language units and terms. analysis and identification of their errors requires special applied scientific research. The refore, such an article, made according to the results of such a study, will certainly have both legal and linguistic significance.