language policy, Kazakh language, Holodomor, population, legal proceedings, content in the Kazakh languageAbstract
Language policy is based on the prevalence of the language and the number of its native speakers. Although the number of representatives of the Kazakh nation is now noticeably predominant, but the influence of the language policy carried out in the USSR is still felt. This is due to historically established features.
As it is known, the Kazakh language for many years occupied a dominant position in the life of the ethnic group living on the territory of Kazakhstan. This situation allowed the Kazakh language to create a unified language base and a rich culture. The predominant position of the Kazakh language existed until the 30s of XX.
Subsequently, this situation began to change in favor of the Russian language. Historically, during the Soviet era, the state introduced the Russian language everywhere. The Holodomor became a special milestone in the history of the Kazakh people. Russian Russian was promoted by the subsequent elimination of the consequences of the famine, as knowledge of the Russian language allowed not to die of hunger. The spread of the Russian language in Kazakhstan was also influenced by the creation of camps, colonies and settlements.
Events related to the evacuation of factories and factories during the war, the development of virgin and fallow lands also affected the prevalence of the Russian language. In those years, all the paperwork and administration of justice was carried out in Russian. Almost all the training was conducted in Russian. All these facts indicate the prevalence of the Russian language in Kazakhstan during the Soviet period.
In the 90s, economic and political transformations, migration processes radically changed the situation in the language sphere. Over the years of independence, many laws have been adopted and implemented aimed at spreading the Kazakh language in the country. The country has created all conditions for the development of the Kazakh language. However, there are some problems and they are associated with insufficient and high-quality content of Kazakh-language content on the Internet. To solve this problem, it is necessary to adopt a state program that promotes the spread of the state language.