
  • Nazgul Amantaevna Khamzina



terms of legislation, current legislation, sequence of terms, state language, translation


The article raises an actual problem that causes the problem of practical application of the state language. Special attention is paid to the importance of the native language for the child, since children are future citizens of Kazakhstan, they need to instill special respect for the state language from the cradle.

The current work of specialists also includes improving the scientific basis and methodology, along with the ability to use the word-term in context, it is necessary to conduct high-level professional work on terminology: study of the linguistic nature of terms, bringing the terms used in various areas of legislation to uniformity.

The current legislation regarding the use of terms considers the most important features of the qualification of the most frequently encountered terms in procedural documentation, constant combinations with the legal norm of legislative and regulatory registers. At the same time, giving examples from the sphere of legislation, we conclude about some lexical characteristics of their contextual application. In particular, the author discusses the problem of authenticity in law enforcement practice using examples of relevant articles of the current Civil code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, articles of some legislative acts on amendments and additions to it.

At the end of the article, the author mentioning the positive aspects in the development of the state language in the field of legislation, concludes that the formed language of legislation will be supplemented only with new terms borrowed from a foreign language.



How to Cite

Khamzina Н. А. (2020). SOME POSITIVE TRENDS IN LAW-MAKING. Scientific and Legal Journal «Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan», 4(62).